Sunday, 26 April 2015

How to Write an Essay on Health Care

As with writing an essay on any topic, doing your homework is important! Ensure you understand the question and if necessary check with your tutor. It is essential that your essay has a good introduction, setting out the parameters of the essay. The main body of the essay should provide your arguments for and against the topic and these should be well supported by relevant, current references. The conclusion should sum up all the points you have made throughout and put forward any recommendations for future study.
It is important when writing about healthcare that you get your terminology right! Make sure the spelling is correct and ensure that all legislation is referenced correctly.
Undertaking a literature review is one of the key aspects to a successful essay in healthcare. Issues relating to healthcare change all the time and it is important that you reflect this in your writing.
So what is a literature review? Simple - it is a comprehensive study and interpretation that relates to a particular topic. Why is a literature review so important? Think of how busy you are at work, especially if you work in any aspect of healthcare; there is never enough time to deal with the day to day aspects of your work, let alone sit down to wade through the mountain of reports on healthcare! A literature review makes sense of a body of research and presents you with an analysis of all available literature so that you don't have to research each one individually - perfect!
All individuals who work in healthcare have a duty to remain up to date with all recent developments and ideas relating to their practice. This is true whether you are writing an essay or not.
A literature review will form the basis of your arguments when writing your essay in healthcare. You will seek out references to help support or argue against your point. A literature review helps you see the full picture.
The strength of evidence put forward may support your argument or indeed the lack of evidence may highlight the need for future research.
It is important to be objective when undertaking a literature review. It could be very easy to find a number of pieces of research to support your argument and ignore the opposing view. Remember when you are reading a report by an expert in a particular subject, it represents their view but may not be supported by strong evidence so you need to seek out that evidence to give weight to your argument.
In summary, a literature review can be the back bone of your essay in healthcare. Reviewing the literature provides a complete picture which is not clear if a single piece of literature or information is viewed in isolation.
Get your literature review right and your essay will make the grade!
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What is the Education Requirements for a Forensic Anthropologist?

You have seen them on your favorite Bones or CSI TV show. They are the crime scene investigators who study bones derived from a crime scene. They are the forensic anthropologists. Have you ever wondered what a forensic anthropologist does and what the educational requirements are to become one?
If you have a knack for the biological sciences, anthropology, archaeology, and history, then the field of forensic anthropology may be the career choice for you. Your job description requires that you help the medical examiner or coroner with the collection and identification of human remains. You must know how to determine biological profiles such as age, sex, race, height, etc. of skeletal remains. You must determine the cause of trauma to the skeleton. You may have to visit the burial site, help dig it up, and scrutinize soft tissue or skeletal remains with the intent of identifying the dead person and helping to ascertain the approximate time and cause of death.
It takes a great deal of education to prepare to become a forensic anthropologist. You need a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, anatomy, physiology, or anthropology, and a graduate-level degree in anthropology or human biology. Then you need a PhD and a minimum of three years of experience in forensic anthropology before applying to the board to become board certified.
It is possible to work in this particular field with fewer educational requirements. However, many forensic laboratory employers will favor your application if you have a doctoral level degree. Upon getting a job as a forensic anthropologist, you will be working at universities and operate as a consultant to medical examiners and the courts.
Experts such as forensic anthropologists use their varied educational background to help solve a crime. Their efforts help bring an offender to justice and bring closure to the families of the victims.
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Writing Web Content For Your Blog

Who are you writing for? This isn't some arbitrary question. It is something you should put some serious thought into. I really enjoy writing, and it really doesn't much matter whether it is for my own pleasure or writing a research paper or writing web content for your blog.
The writing process is enjoyable. But that is not the ends. There has to be some means to it. The means is the thing that keeps most people afloat as they move along in life. You would much rather be a person of means wouldn't you?
So the income comes from the visitors to your website. And there are basically three ways to make money from website visitors. The first way is to directly sell them something. It can be something that you have created and you don't have to share any of that profit with anyone. The second is to sell someone else's creation. Most people do that through affiliate marketing - selling a product through a specialized custom link and you get a percentage (a commission) for making the sale. The third way is to sell advertising on your site. That might be a direct sale to someone who sees value in your website's visitors, or it might be through a general ad campaign through Google's AdSense or something like that.
But the income only comes through the visitors and that all boils down to writing web content for your blog. (It's funny how it all circles back around to that no matter what you talk about.) You need to figure out how you are getting those visitors - how you are generating traffic.
The best way is to have repeated visitors who enjoy your content so much, and find so much value in it that they tell people about it and your audience grows through word of mouth. Unfortunately most people don't know enough people to get that tiny snowball rolling down the hill, so they have to build momentum in another way, or there will be no giant avalanche of traffic.
So what do people do? First is to think about search engine optimization and keyword usage. The second method is to use social media to find traffic. Get enough "friends" and followers and hope that they pay attention when you post a link to your newest blog post. A third method is to buy traffic through a pay per click campaign. Since you're not "ranking" in the search engines you buy a place at the top of the results page. People see your ad and click on it and you pay some pre-determined price that you've agreed to.
There are lots of methods of getting people to your site for the first time, but the only thing that is going to keep them coming back is having quality content that either entertains or educates them and solved some sort of problem in their lives. Generally once you have repeating visitors you begin developing a relationship with them and they will trust you enough to purchase your recommendations and potentially click on ads to give you some income. The "tricks" of SEO and keywords utilization can bring visitors, but only by writing quality content for your blog can you keep them.
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Things To Remember On How To Write A Research Paper

There are a number of different kinds of research and papers, but the basic paper we would write for class requires a few standard elements - this is not to offer us busy work but to help us craft a legitimate piece that is informative and helpful for others. Hence, this is a brief guide on how to write research paper parts, in what order to do them, and, in some instances, why.
Notice that this task is first, here. It is for a good reason. You gather the books, periodicals, and articles (online and offline at your local or school library). Nest you will find tons of pages of material that you put into notes then summarize into your paper. Perhaps you return the library books. Or just maybe a website database of articles goes down. Obviously you can't remember all of the page numbers or other bibliographical information to cite properly.... So...the thing to do is find the right resources, and immediately do the bibliography. As for some people, they still use the old-fashioned way that is putting each source on a separate index card. As for the others they type directly onto their computer. No matter which method you prefer, be sure to get the bibliographical info (author(s); title(s); place and date of publication) and, if you can, jot down page numbers.
Sure, there are teachers who may ask for an outline early on, before you have your topic narrowed or your resources gathered. But think about this as a freeing exercise: you have a whole world of choices to touch, turn, examine, re-examine, and project on. First think of a concept or event or person, and think of all the possible categories you could include. If you like you can go by time, and do a historical survey; you can even consider cause and effect or problem and solution; you can build up an argument and come up with reasons and reasoning. Block off each part with headers and subheaders.... (Look at a site map for a larger website if you don't want to use the old Roman numeral system.) You must think in terms of general to specific or largest to smallest (the smaller fitting inside the larger).
Be sure to cite - give credit to - everything you use directly from the text. It is al right to lift the choicest quotes; just be sure to put " " around anyone else's words. Even if you paraphrase, you should use the parenthetical citation method (which is used in MLA, APA, and other documentation styles, anyway. Check Purdue University's OWL (Online Writing Lab), Dartmouth's Writing Center, or another trustworthy source for your source-citing, outlining, writing and other how-to-write-research-paper advice...cause I am running out of time. Oh, yeah, before I forget START EARLY! Nothing hurts more than putting in hours and hours worth of work and missing out on your deadline!
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Learn Technical Writing - Technical Writing Exercise - Using Standard Written English (SWE)

Clients may not know the rules, but they can sure spot it when they're not followed." Even a tech writer who doesn't have a degree in English has to have that same ability to spot language that doesn't follow the "rules."
If you write, "They was the ones who paid," your eye - or experience - had better tell you that it's not a correct construction. If you know the rule that a pronoun must agree in number with the verb and that they is plural and was is singular, that's great. But even if you can't cite the rule, you still need to recognize that there's a problem and fix it before you send the copy out.
Either through formal training or through years of experience, good tech writers develop the ability to spot irregularities in grammar, usage, and punctuation. For a lot of us, that experience included making a lot of mistakes and having them pointed out by proofreaders, if we were lucky, or clients, if we weren't. However it came about, now if we do happen to write, "Him and me got the contract," it leaps off the page at us, and we fix it before anybody else sees it.
We get mail from subscribers from all over the world. In some cases, the people writing them doesn't have English as a first language. Multi-lingual people are to be admired - and envied, but our focus in these newsletters is on writing done primarily in North American SWE. Putting aside for the moment that there are differences in what is considered standard between English from the UK and English from the US, the writing we see often shows a lack of familiarity with and understanding of SWE in general.
As it said in one email, "A year ago I didn't know what a TW was, and now I are one."
Decide whether there are irregular usage in these sentences based on North American SWE. (Let's be real picky.)
1. Whom should we assume is responsible for the repairs?
2. We were given new plans that called for retooling.
3. We were given new plans which called for retooling.
4. The new system give's us all the speed we can handle.
5. The attorney general's opinions in six states was that they were liable.
6. We didn't see the designer that created the original drawings.
7. The bank agreed to loan us the funds for the new building.
8. Before setting in the bolts, we pre-drilled the holes.
9. Was that him whom I saw running down the aisle?
10. The writer gave the copy to me and I gave it to the client.
11. The writer gave me the copy and went back to her desk.
12. It may be tedious, but punctuation, like spelling is important.
13. The problem centres around being unable to honour the requirement that there be a spanner in every boot.
14. It's a time-honored custom to give a bonus to every full time employee.
15. The hostile media is responsible for the misinformation.
16. The process would of been easier if they had followed the procedure.
17. Just between you and me, it was a waste of time.
18. They'd have been more better prepared with a little extra time.
19. Since we were ahead of time they slowed down the line.
20. The client awarded the contract to Mark, David, and I because we were the most experienced.
When you're done check the solution below.
Exercise - Answer
If you don't understand or disagree with the usage we identify as un-SWE, consult your style guide.
1. Whom should we assume is responsible for the repairs?
Incorrect pronoun usage: Who should we assume is responsible for the repairs?
2. We were given new plans that called for retooling.
3. We were given new plans which called for retooling.
Incorrect comma usage: We were given new plans, which called for retooling.
4. The new system give's us all the speed we can handle.
Give's isn't a contraction. No such construction as give is.
5. The attorney general's opinions in six states was that they were liable.
Technically, it should be attorneys general's, but attorney generals' is acceptable as long as the apostrophe is used to show possession.
Incorrect verb usage: opinions'. . .were
6. We didn't see the designer that created the original drawings.
Incorrect pronoun usage: We didn't see the designer who created the original drawings.
7. The bank agreed to loan us the funds for the new building.
Incorrect word usage: Loan is a noun. Should be lend.
8. Before setting in the bolts, we pre-drilled the holes.
Redundant usage: Can't drill a hole before you drill it.
9. Was that him whom I saw running down the aisle?
Technically should be he, but, except in very formal writing, him is generally acceptable.
10. The writer gave the copy to me and I gave it to the client.
Incorrect punctuation: The writer gave the copy to me, and I gave it to the client.
11. The writer gave me the copy and went back to her desk.
12. It may be tedious, but punctuation, like spelling is important.
Incorrect punctuation: It may be tedious, but punctuation, like spelling, is important.
13. The problem centres around being unable to honour the requirement that there be a spanner in every boot.
Perfectly good UK English usage but not North American SWE.
14. It's a time-honored custom to give a bonus to every full time employee.
Incorrect hyphen usage: every full-time employee
15. The hostile media is responsible for the misinformation.
Incorrect verb usage: media is a plural noun, hence "media are responsible"
16. The process would of been easier if they had followed the procedure.
Incorrect verb/preposition usage: The process would have been easier. .
17. Just between you and me, it was a waste of time.
18. They'd have been more better prepared with a little extra time.
Redundant usage: either more prepared or better prepared
19. Since we were ahead of time they slowed down the line.
Incorrect punctuation: Since we were ahead of time, they slowed down the line. (Some people will argue that slowed the line down is more better usage.)
20. The client awarded the contract to Mark, David, and I because we were the most experienced.
Incorrect pronoun usage: to Mark, David, and me because...
BTW, did you catch the incorrect usage in the introductory copy? Good on you, mate.
If you can write a simple sentence in English and organize your thoughts then technical writing may be a rewarding field. You can easily make it a second income stream in your spare time.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average salary for technical writers is $60,380. Freelance technical writers can make from $30 to $70 per hour.
The field of technical writing is like a golden city. It's filled with wealth, rewards and opportunities. After learning technical writing you can branch out into business writing, marketing writing and communications writing. All of these can become additional income streams.
But to succeed you must learn how to market yourself to clients. You have to prove to them that you are an invaluable asset. That's where ProTech - Your Fast Track to Becoming a Successful Technical Writer can help. It's a technical writing course that does two equally important things:
1. It teaches you the skills to become a technical writer in the shortest time frame. You'll learn to create manuals, procedures, tutorials, processes, proposals, spec sheets and other documents that businesses need.
2. It shows you how to market yourself to clients so you can start your income stream as soon as possible.
In fact, you'll get a complete marketing toolkit which has the templates and technical writing job sites to get started immediately!
You can download two sample lessons by clicking the link below.
This could be your chance to create a prosperous future.
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Master the College Application Process - How to Get Into College With Unique College Essay Ideas

Are you struggling to figure out the college application process. Do you want some college essay ideas that can help you figure out how to get into Ivy League colleges or any university, for that matter? I was where you are once and that is why I am writing this article.
There are some common mistakes made during the college application process by college applicants when trying to come up with college essay ideas that will help them get into college, especially college application essay topics that may help them to get into Ivy League colleges. As a former recruiter for Yale University, I remember the reactions from admissions officers as they read an average college admission essay as opposed to a good one. A good college essay starts with having good college essay ideas. I would say that there are six mistakes that are the most common and potentially the most deadly to someone writing admission essays as part of the college application process. One mistake I saw was: a college applicant not writing something that was true to the college applicant's life story.         
One of the biggest mistakes a college applicant can make when writing their college admission essays during the college application process is writing something that is not true to their unique life experience. So if you are seeking college essay ideas or college application essay topics that will help you write a good college essay, look no further than your own backyard, so to speak, your values, your background, and your community. Represent! Some of the biggest and brightest leaders come from dark and humble beginnings.
Bill Clinton came from a dysfunctional family. Barack Obama overcame adversity. Look where both of them are now. Don't be ashamed. Be proud of who you are because that is what makes you- you; and more importantly, it could be what sets you apart from the competition and helps you get into Ivy League colleges potentially all the universities that you apply to for consideration.
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College Admissions Essay Tips: Conquering College Essays

Get a head start on your essays in the spring and summer of your junior year: Conquering essay tips
As you visit colleges, as you browse through college catalogs and cruise the Internet doing your college searches, you will gather tidbits of information that will help you in the process of writing your college essays. From visiting colleges/universities, you will listen to college admission counselors and college students speak about their campuses, which will add information to your pool of knowledge that you will draw from when you write your college essays.
Depending on the number of schools that you will apply to, will in turn, determine how many essays you will be writing. You will write numerous college essays and the theme/questions that you will write on may be similar but you must be creative in writing each essay. As you look at schools and visit schools, you should look at the applications of the schools that has peaked your interest to see what questions they want you to write your essay on. You should pick questions that are common in different applications and begin to draft your essay. I would not wait until the fall of the senior year to start writing your essays. In the fall of the senior year, you want to share your essay with your English teacher for some editorial tips. You will write a different essay for each institution that you will apply to but the main theme may be quite similar.
The importance of your essay in the college admissions process: A well-written essay can make a huge difference in the admissions process
The essay is your best chance for you to express yourself and share a tidbit of your personality with the admission counselors. After the admission counselors have looked over your academic records, your class rank and your SAT/ACT, the essay is what makes your application file come alive or not depending on the quality of your essay. Everything being equal, your essay may determine whether you get accepted or denied admissions to the institution of your choice. One of the biggest mistakes that some students make is to write a poor essay and submit it to numerous institutions without spending sufficient time on this important piece of the college application process.
Some students will make the deadly mistake of writing one essay and just tweak it a little by just changing the name of the institution and submit it to various institutions. In some cases, they have overlooked the removal of the name of the previous school that they sent the essay to because they had mentioned the name of the previous school in more than one area of the essay. If you do this, you will get a rejection letter. I have heard this scenario many times from the admission counselors.
For more tips on writing a killer college essay, go to the website below to download an e-book that will have all of the information that can save you time and money in this college admissions process.
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Helpful Tips To Assist Parents With New Teenage Drivers - Including Considering A Family Legal Plan

Are you the proud parent of a new teenage driver? Do you have all of the legal coverage that you need? Many parents assume that just having their teen driver insured through their automobile insurer is enough. In many cases that may be all of the coverage that they ever need, but did you know that you can do more?
Pre-paid legal services may not be something that you are familiar with, but it works in a similar fashion as health insurance does. You pay a fixed amount of money each month regardless of how many of the covered legal services you require. Some months you may not require any legal services and other months you may need a lot of legal help.
The types of legal services that you can obtain will vary from company to company, but generally include: phone consultations, phone calls or letters on your behalf from an attorney, personal document reviews, business document reviews, and help with legal documents like wills, guardianship papers, or property deeds.
Typically, the pre-paid legal service that you choose will have a customer service number or website. When you need to consult with an attorney you get in touch with the company. They will then put you in touch with an attorney in your area that works in the field that you need. When you think about it, it really is like insurance. You get to choose an attorney that is in your provider network, just like you do with your health plan.
You may wonder what pre-paid legal services have to do with teenage drivers? Well, teenage drivers often get into minor scrapes with the law when they first begin driving. From speeding tickets, to texting while driving, or running a stop sign, teens, more than any other age category, commit offences that result in a court appearances. When this happens, if you have retained the services of a pre-paid legal team then they will send a lawyer in your area to represent your teen in court.
And if your teen has the misfortune of being involved in a more serious traffic violation, such as an accident where someone is injured, a pre-paid legal service can help with this too. A lawyer will be provided to represent your teen and your family in this instance as well. The attorney will show up in court to make sure that your teens interests are well represented.
Having a teen driver in the family can be a stressful time for parents, and knowing that you have legal counsel on call can make you feel a lot more comfortable. You also never know when you might need some legal advice of your own. From reading over contracts, to bankruptcy questions, or helping you to prepare your will, you never know when the counsel of a lawyer will come in handy.
In addition to legal coverage, as a parent there are a lot of things that you can do to help make your teen a safe driver:
  1. Having them attend driver's safety education classes
  2. Making sure that they know the importance of not being on their cell phone while driving
  3. Encourage them to pay attention to the road and not the radio
  4. Caution them to observe safety precautions in inclement weather
  5. Demand that they never drive after using drugs or alcohol.
Many parents choose to include these points as in a driving contract with their teen drivers. Typically the contract will have several different stages that are set to last a specific amount of time. For example, after a three month span of time, the teen can extend their driving privileges if there are no incidents. During the first stage the teen may only be allowed to drive in their own neighborhood, during daylight hours, and dry conditions.
During the second stage of the driving contract the restrictions may include driving on busier roads, in light rain, up until 8 pm. In progressive stages the contract typically allows for driving in higher traffic areas, in different weather conditions, and driving later at night. These contracts almost never include having any passengers in the car with a new teen driver until all of the conditions of all stages of the contract between the teen and the parent have been met.
Sadly, more teen accidents occur when teens are either on their cell phones or have additional teen passengers in the car. Teens do not always respond favorably to the terms of the driving contract because they feel as though they are being punished. However, in time with open lines of communication, they should see the benefit of it and they will be much better drivers for it.
In addition to the driving contract, some parents also elect to have a GPS tracking system installed on their family vehicles. These GPS systems are discreet and most can be monitored from any smartphone or computer. The monitoring capabilities vary from system to system but most can tell you the location, driving habits, and speed of the vehicle. Some systems even allow you to set-up a perimeter and will notify you when the vehicle has gone out of bounds.
Not only does having pre-paid legal advice provide you the benefit of a lawyer when you need it, but it may also save you some money on your insurance. Having your child attend driver's safety education classes, having a GPS tracking system placed on your car, and setting up a driver's safety contract with your teen can save you money on your car insurance with some insurance companies. This savings usually comes in addition to the traditional honor student and safe driver discounts.
Of course you want the best for your teen driver, and there are many things that you can do to keep them safe and teach them to be the best driver that they can be. In addition to driver safety, and demonstrating good driving techniques yourself, having a pre-paid legal team on your side is just another layer of protection for both your teen and your family. Like any other service you would purchase, you should do a little research before choosing a pre-paid legal plan, to make sure that the cost, matched with the benefits, meets your family's needs.
Gerard Cassagnol is a professional writer and marketer of legal plans and identity theft plans for individuals, families, and small businesses. He has subscribed to a legal plan for more than 15 years and has been an advocate of affordable legal representation and coverage in the USA and Canada. He has written numerous articles on legal and identity theft issues of the day.
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