Are you struggling to figure out the college application process. Do you want some college essay ideas that can help you figure out how to get into Ivy League colleges or any university, for that matter? I was where you are once and that is why I am writing this article.
There are some common mistakes made during the college application process by college applicants when trying to come up with college essay ideas that will help them get into college, especially college application essay topics that may help them to get into Ivy League colleges. As a former recruiter for Yale University, I remember the reactions from admissions officers as they read an average college admission essay as opposed to a good one. A good college essay starts with having good college essay ideas. I would say that there are six mistakes that are the most common and potentially the most deadly to someone writing admission essays as part of the college application process. One mistake I saw was: a college applicant not writing something that was true to the college applicant's life story.
One of the biggest mistakes a college applicant can make when writing their college admission essays during the college application process is writing something that is not true to their unique life experience. So if you are seeking college essay ideas or college application essay topics that will help you write a good college essay, look no further than your own backyard, so to speak, your values, your background, and your community. Represent! Some of the biggest and brightest leaders come from dark and humble beginnings.
Bill Clinton came from a dysfunctional family. Barack Obama overcame adversity. Look where both of them are now. Don't be ashamed. Be proud of who you are because that is what makes you- you; and more importantly, it could be what sets you apart from the competition and helps you get into Ivy League colleges potentially all the universities that you apply to for consideration.
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